Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Midnight Service at the United Hearts Field; Feasts of The Triumph of the Cross 9/14 and The Sorrowful Mother 9/15
Message from Blessed Virgin Mary given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Our Lady is here as Mary Refuge of Holy Love. She says: "Praise be to Jesus. I have come during this present moment to speak to all of My children."
"Dear children, these days much attention is drawn to the oncoming storm (hurricane Ivan) which approaches this country. Many precautions are being taken to protect property. People are fleeing from its path and rightfully so. It will bring much damage with its arrival. Property and lives will be lost."
"But most do not see the real threat that is challenging not only this country but the world. That is because Satan's path cannot be charted. The desolation he brings lies hidden in hearts. The cost of his destruction cannot be summed up in dollars but in the loss of souls."
"The hurricane spawns killer tornadoes. Satan spawns lies that have struck the heart of the Tradition of Faith. The hurricane spews a wake of fire. Satan sends souls into eternal flames."
"Dear children, you fear what you see as real, but I tell you that what you do not notice is far more dangerous. Storms will come and go while Satan's attacks and snares are always with you. Open your eyes and your hearts and begin your conversion through Holy Love. My Immaculate Heart is your protection--your ark--amidst the storm of evil. It is necessary that you accept My Heart as Holy Love in order to secure yourselves in this Refuge of grace."
"No longer separate yourselves according to belief, favorite devotion or apparition site--or even the God you worship. Come into the safety of My Heart--Holy Love. Be united in Holy Love. In My Heart everything is purified by love and made one."
Holy L
"Dear children, I tell you solemnly that your Heavenly Mother sorrows with equal measure today as I did at the foot of the Cross. Most of all I sorrow for those who have heard the message of Holy Love but refuse to live it. Some believe they live the message, but they do not live it when it is most difficult to do so. I weep for these My children who do not love with their whole heart."
"Perhaps they love when others are watching, but as soon as their pride is pricked they are outraged. Perhaps they cast their vote for candidates who do not support life. You must not make this type of decision in your country's next election for much depends on the outcome of this presidential election. You will not have peace in the world until all people and all nations live in harmony with the Divine Will of God."
"Abortion is a sin and opposes God's Ordaining Will. So much of what God orders, mankind destroys--human life, human dignity, childhood innocence to name a few."
(Given Just After Midnight)
"My dear, dear children, tonight I come to you, not sorrowing but with joy, for you have come to Me here to be with Me, to pray with Me."
"Please understand that the future of your nation and of all nations is dependent upon the Holy Love you hold in your hearts in each present moment. Do not barter peace with Satan, but always live in Holy Love."
"Tonight I am blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love."
Source: ➥